Dr Harsh (Phonetic: H-uh-r Sh) Sharma is a passionate Paediatrician working in Australia. Dr Sharma has extensive work experience of working in India, United Kingdom and Australia. He has trained and worked for nearly fourteen years since completion of his General Paediatrics training In India.
He has keen interest in Neonates and has worked as Neonatal fellow for two years each in Royal London Hospital, UK and Monash Newborns in Victoria, Australia. He has gained further experience and training in Victoria at hospitals affiliated with Monash Health, Eastern Health, Grampians Health, Peninsula health, Alfred health, La Trobe Regional Hospital in Traralgon and Tamworth rural referral Hospital located in New South Wales and attained Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.
He also has special interest in children’s developmental and behavioural issues apart from managing general paediatric medical issues. In addition to English, Dr Sharma also fluent in Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and is happy to assist families in whichever language they prefer.
Physical health issues such as:-
Developmental & Behavioural issues such as:-